I've been fooled and super discouraged this last year. Maybe the last 2 years. I have bought into the lie that I am not capable. I get it, it's the new trend to be the "sticky floor" mom. I really have no other term for it. Yes I'm calling it a trend. All I can think of is that sign about the sticky floors. All I can think of is chaos, mess, and the crutch we can turn it into and let us defeat us.
It has sunk me down because what's the point in picking up after the girls if they make a mess again? What's the point in the joy of cleaning or a pretty home? Can I please just have my pretty house? I'm a momma now, I'm not supposed to have time to clean or get caught up on housework. It's not going to happen, accept it. My heart simply can't take it. I want to take pride in my home. I like to decorate, and it's alright I spend the time I do on that. I enjoy it. It's possible to spend time with my girls and clean. No one is neglected. In fact, when I haven't put forth effort it's not been pretty.
I get it. Let's extend the grace and acceptance, sincerely and fully to the seasons we need it. However, let's encourage each other that it's really quite attractive to have a clean home. A warm, welcoming place that it's ok that there aren't sticky floors because honestly the thought of that gives me anxiety. I'm just not a sticky floor mom, at least not for very long. There might be clutter though. I want to try though. I don't want to accept defeat.
I've always had joy in my house when it feels welcoming. I've really felt good when someone has commented it's clean or smells good. These are just some little quirks I have and I want to work at getting the girl back who isn't scared to be just a housewife anymore. It really burns my biscuits that there's this stereotype surrounding women who really do like to be a homemaker. Cause I do. I genuinely love it. I don't want to be anywhere else most of the time!
I remember the moments when women were celebrated because they had a clean, welcoming home and personality and I wanted to be that kind of woman! I feel like we don't celebrate that kind of woman often anymore. I'm not sure if I'm broken, but I miss it being a high regard to be that woman or that it's an amazing priority to want to learn those habits. Or to exhibit them.
Let's face it, we feel welcomed if someone took the time and effort to prepare for us. I'm not saying scrub everything down unless that's your thing. I'm definitely not saying it will always be clean how you want it and just fabulous. Sometimes it'll be messy and need work. It's not always going to be lemon fresh over here but with the power of Pine Sol, and elbow grease we'll do just fine. Toby has been so incredibly good at reminding me about this and I just try again. I am saying that for me at least, I'm not accepting this stigma anymore. I'm banishing it.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9